Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Komain - "Guitar Gently Weeps"

This week I shot a music video with an artist that goes by the name Komain. We shot the whole thing on Saturday and I've spent the last couple of days editing it together to form the rough draft that you see below. We also shot a short intro for the video yesterday but I have not yet edited that into the beginning. It still needs some work here and there but this example is fairly close to how the final product will look. Here it is:

As for "Keeping Up With The Joneses", we unfortunately had to reschedule this weekend's shoot. Ultimately not a huge deal since I had the music video to work on. The good news is that we have made contact with his aunt in East Chicago who is the "family historian" and promises to be a great source. We've also been digging into more research and have found a new and interesting census record containing info on Calvin Owens, Curtis' great-great-grandfather. Here it is:

If you notice, Calvin's birthplace was Virginia, which is in line with some of the family legends we have heard about Curtis's family being slaves in VA, which is great to hear. Curtis and I plan on meeting up in the next couple of days to get caught up on shooting and then we hope to meet with his aunt next weekend. Until then, here is a small trailer I put together for "Keeping Up With The Joneses":

So, that's where I'm at this week. Stay tuned for more!

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